
Earned Media Plan Supporting Recruitment

Manifesto and the world’s largest game technology company Unity Technologies, began to collaborate on communications in spring 2016. The aim was to support Unity’s recruitment in Finland by using earned media. Together, Manifesto and Unity drew up an earned media plan, which Manifesto executed in the second half of 2016.

Unity wanted to use the media to communicate their unique growth story, corporate culture and cutting-edge technological expertise. The core message of the story was the company’s need for new employees.

”The Finnish growth company of the year has a strange problem: it can’t find employees”.

Unity’s story was covered by several national and IT-industry media channels, such as the Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE’s morning TV show, the Kauppalehti business daily, Helsingin Sanomat national daily, Iltalehti afternoon tabloid and the Tivi ICT magazine. The title of an Iltalehti article summed up the message well: ‘’The Finnish growth company of the year has a strange problem: it can’t find employees’’.

Unity and Manifesto succeeded in achieving the goals set for recruitment communications within six months. The number of job applications received more than doubled, and 44 percent of those recruited during the autumn had applied for jobs, with a corresponding figure of 14 percent in the spring. Other important recruitment sources were recommendations and LinkedIn. Unity was able to hire the 47 new employees it had aimed for.

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