Suomen Pakkaustuottajat Oy




Content creation
Video production
Visual communication & design

Imaginative campaign encouraged Finns flattening of cardboard

Households generate a lot of cardboard waste. When cardboard waste is left unflattened, the cardboard containers and eco-points fill up quickly. This burdens both nature and the economy.


Flattening has significant environmental effects. By increasing the flattening so that the emptying weight increases by 20 %, the number of emptying times decreases from 66 to 52 times. This means more than 600 000 kg less CO₂ emissions at properties, corresponding to 4.3 million kilometers of driving (107 times around the globe) or 120 342 electric sauna heating sessions (2 314 people taking saunas once a week for a year) or the annual CO₂ emissions of 55 Finns.


The style is free – as long as you flatten!

The goal of the campaign implemented for Finnish Packaging Producers Ltd was to guide and motivate consumers to flatten cardboard packaging and fill collection containers more efficiently, as well as share fun ways to flatten. Success leaded to tidier garbage sheds as well as less emptying, transportation, fuel, and emissions.

Ten humorous videos were implemented in the campaign, which were shown on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok for selected target groups with different key messages. The videos advised citizens to flatten their cardboard packaging in a fun way and without guilt. ​The message was “style is free as long as you flatten it”.

To ensure that the message got across, a target group analysis was carried out, which was used as a tool to outline different consumer target groups.


The campaign reached Finns well – it had 3 236 453 views. There were 8 288 visits to the campaign site. According to the information received from Rinki ecopoints, the emptying weights of waste bins have grown, i.e. the flattening of cardboard packaging has increased.

View the campaign videos here.

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